Discover Your Shamanic Calling - Sowing The Seeds

Shamanic Initiation into the 9 Rites of the Munay Ki

The seeds of ancient wisdom that have grown into the Rites of the Munay-Ki originated thousands of years ago and were protected by the sages of old. Today, we are the lucky recipients of this potent medicine.

Receive Womb Healing - 13th Rite Of The Munay Ki

The rite of the Womb is a potent, gentle, loving energy transmission that restores the natural balance of your sacral chakra or creative centre, our sacred place of creation.

Discover Shamanic Journeying - Lower, Middle, Upper Worlds

Shamanic journeying is a foundational skill, learned and mastered while being experienced and practised. You will gain information through your senses.

Become a master of shamanic journey, ritual, and ceremony

Extend your skills and learn how to professionally lead & share guided ceremonial shamanism practices, creating spiritual healing and awakening.

Your shamanic vision quest, a gateway to manifestation

It is time to leave an old phase of life and pass into a new phase of life. You will consciously integrate your own mysteries and awareness in your Vision Quest. Bring forth your vision to the world.

How to make an dedicate your own sacred frame drum

The frame drum is an ancient shamanic tool used for healing. Creating your frame drum is an opportunity to craft in a sacred way, weaving intention and prayers into your work.